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Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical Sciences and Applications
Copyright © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

Volume 757, Issue 2,
Pages 197-383 (15 June 2001)

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High-performance liquid chromatographic assay with fluorescence detection for the determination of cephaeline and emetine in human plasma and urine, Pages 197-206
Takayuki Asano, Chiharu Sadakane, Kazuhisa Ishihara, Toshihiko Yanagisawa, Masayuki Kimura and Hideo Kamei
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Gas chromatographic¯mass spectrometric assay for rocuronium with potential for quantifying its metabolite, 17-desacetylrocuronium, in human plasma, Pages 207-214
Ling Gao, Iqbal Ramzan and Barry Baker
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Determination of fendiline and gallopamil by capillary isotachophoresis, Pages 215-220
Tatiana Buzinkaiová, Jozef Polonský and Ivan Skaáni
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Comparison of the efficiences of enzymatic and chemical hydrolysis of (nortestosterone and diethylstilboestrol) glucuronides in bovine urine, Pages 221-227
John Cooper, Wesley Currie and Christopher T. Elliott
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High-performance liquid chromatography with chemiluminescence detection of penbutolol and its hydroxylated metabolite in rat plasma, Pages 229-235
Keiko Funato, Teruko Imai, Kenichiro Nakashima and Masaki Otagiri
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Amino acid modifications in canine, equine and porcine pituitary growth hormones, identified by peptide-mass mapping, Pages 237-245
Camillo Secchi, Anna Berrini, Daniela Gaggioli and Vitaliano Borromeo
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Determination of phytic acid by gas chromatography¯mass spectroscopy: application to biological samples, Pages 247-255
J. G. March, B. M. Simonet and F. Grases
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Separation and determination of liposomal and non-liposomal daunorubicin from the plasma of patients treated with Daunoxome, Pages 257-267
Ricardo Bellott, Paul Pouna and Jacques Robert
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Heparin column analysis of serum type 5 tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase isoforms, Pages 269-276
Yoshihiko Igarashi, Minako Y. Lee and Shigeru Matsuzaki
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Rapid and sensitive step gradient assays of glutamate, glycine, taurine and -aminobutyric acid by high-performance liquid chromatography¯fluorescence detection with o-phthalaldehyde¯mercaptoethanol derivatization with an emphasis on microdialysis samples, Pages 277-283
T. Petteri Piepponen and Arnis Skujins
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On the isolation of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and furans from serum samples using immunoaffinity chromatography prior to high-resolution gas chromatography¯mass spectrometry, Pages 285-293
Janice K. Huwe, Weilin L. Shelver, Larry Stanker, Donald G. Patterson, Jr. and Wayman E. Turner
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Quantification of nicotine, chlorpyrifos and their metabolites in rat plasma and urine using high-performance liquid chromatography, Pages 295-300
Aqel W. Abu-Qare and Mohamed B. Abou-Donia
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Comparison of ion-pair and amide-based column reversed-phase liquid chromatography for the separation of thiamine-related compounds, Pages 301-308
Pilar Viñas, Carmen López-Erroz, Nuria Balsalobre and Manuel Hernández-Córdoba
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Metabolism of amiodarone; II. High-performance liquid chromatographic assay for mono-N-desethylamiodarone hydroxylation in liver microsomes, Pages 309-315
Huy Riem Ha, Peter Kozlik, Bruno Stieger, Laurent Bigler and Ferenc Follath
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Sensitive fluorescent quantitation of myo-inositol 1,2-cyclic phosphate and myo-inositol 1-phosphate by high-performance thin-layer chromatography, Pages 317-324
Karen K. Hedberg, Elizabeth B. Cogan, G. Bruce Birrell and O. Hayes Griffith
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Simultaneous determination of the HIV-protease inhibitors indinavir, amprenavir, ritonavir, saquinavir and nelfinavir in human plasma by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography, Pages 325-332
María Sarasa-Nacenta, Yolanda López-Púa, Josep Mallolas, José Luis Blanco, José Mª. Gatell and Xavier Carné
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Liquid chromatography¯electrospray ionization mass spectrometric analysis of corticosterone in rat plasma using selected ion monitoring, Pages 333-342
Ashok Marwah, Padma Marwah and Henry Lardy
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Determination of the covalent adducts of the novel anti-cancer agent 5,6-dimethylxanthenone-4-acetic acid in biological samples by high-performance liquid chromatography, Pages 343-348
Shufeng Zhou, James W. Paxton, Malcolm D. Tingle and Phillip Kestell
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Sensitive gas chromatographic determination of the cyclophosphamide metabolite 2-dechloroethylcyclophosphamide in human plasma, Pages 349-357
Alwin D. R. Huitema, Cindy Reinders, Matthijs M. Tibben, Sjoerd Rodenhuis and Jos H. Beijnen
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Determination of unbound concentration of the novel anti-tumour agent 5,6-dimethylxanthenone-4-acetic acid in human plasma by ultrafiltration followed by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorimetric detection, Pages 359-363
Shufeng Zhou, James W. Paxton, Malcolm D. Tingle and Phillip Kestell
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Simultaneous quantification of retinol, retinal, and retinoic acid isomers by high-performance liquid chromatography with a simple gradiation, Pages 365-368
Michiko Miyagi, Hirokazu Yokoyama, Haruko Shiraishi, Michinaga Matsumoto and Hiromasa Ishii
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Fluorometric determination of N-terminal prolyl dipeptides, proline and hydroxyproline in human serum by pre-column high-performance liquid chromatography using 4-(5,6-dimethoxy-2-phthalimidinyl)-2-methoxyphenylsulfonyl chloride, Pages 369-373
Hirofumi Inoue, Haruo Iguch, Akira Kouno and Yasuto Tsuruta
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Author Index Vol. 757, Pages 375-378

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Compund Index Vol. 757, Pages 379-383

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Announcement, Pages I-II

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